As we go through the games of Vortex, we also wanted to the get a benchmark and specs for the Vortex cloud PC running the games. What we will do to get the Vortex benchmark is run the in-game benchmark tool on Far Cry 5. You’ll get to see just how well the game runs on Vortex and the cloud PC specs to go along with it.
A little background info on Vortex, Vortex is cloud gaming service that was made in Poland and currently has 15 data centers around the world including several in the United States. We consider Vortex a middleware or “Pickup n’ Play” type of cloud gaming platform similar to other platforms like GeForce Now and Boosteroid. Be aware that Vortex only streams games in 720p on all tiers for now, so the benchmark will be shown with that resolution.
Benchmark and Stats

The performance is lack luster to say the least. The server is running at 720p resolution and the FPS average is still under 60 – even with the frame rate cap turned off. The graphic settings are not even on High, they are on Normal. Let’s look at the PC technical stats here.

Processor: Intel Xeon E5-2690 v4
It’s running an Intel Xeon E5-2690 v4 at 2.6GHz. This processor is a 14 core, 28 thread processor, that was released early 2016. With this rating, this processor comes in a bit above the Shadow Boost PC rating.
For the GPU, it is running an NVIDIA Grid M60-4A. You can compare the performance you will get on a Grid M60-4A to that of a GTX 960 or 970. It’s hard to compare this because these GRID GPUs are workstation graphics cards that are made to serve many users at one time and the stats don’t reflect how well they would serve one user.
12 GBs of RAM allocated to you is pretty good for gaming but the almost 4 GB of VRAM on from the M60-4A is pretty low for HD gaming.
Everything is underwhelming in the performance here. Vortex is going to have to really up the ante to compete with – anyone at this point. I’m not sure why anyone would pay $10 a month with limited monthly hours along with really bad game performance.
Hopefully, this is just the beginning for Vortex. I hope to see much better things in the future. If you liked this benchmark of Vortex, give us a like. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to get the latest news, gameplay, and comparisons on Cloud gaming at the only place where you can do battle in gaming heaven – Cloud Gaming Battle.