So guys it happened. It actually happed. Fortnite on Amazon Luna. The leaks were true! They dropped this just in time for Star Wars day since that is the theme right now for Fortnite. You’ll need to have a Luna subscription or be an Amazon Prime member to have access to the game. This could be the start of great things. But before we get too excited here, does it actually play okay on the platform? Let’s dive in.
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First thing you need to know is that you’ll need to link your Epic Store account so your profile in linked. And of course you’ll need to own the game on Epic which is free. If you are playing on the Luna app, it will forward you to the browser app to link it.

Once in game, I have to check graphics. As of now, Luna only plays at 1080p resolution. Luna also has the game set at DirectX 11 Medium settings. I wouldn’t change things too much. What I would change though, is switching the TSR super resolution settings to DLSS and Quality. TSR makes the video look super grainy as you will see.

As you might know, Amazon Web Services is the world’s number ONE cloud provider. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Why? Well this means AWS cloud services are readily available which allows for very tight responsive controls on controller and mouse and keyboard.
The bad thing is that many people are using it which means that bitrate might be limiting because of bandwidth. Your video quality could diminish for no reason which has happened a few times in match.

My overall thoughts on Fortnite on Luna are positive. The video quality might not be the best but you’ll be able to play just fine. The responsive controls FAR make up for the lack of video quality. Along with Nvidia Reflex active, you should be able to play Fornite very well.
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you should already have access. It you are looking to get signed up for Luna directly, signup here. This might be the start of the turnaround Luna needs to be great!